klimatvänlig bakgrund med vindkraftverk

Calculate your footprint | Commit to reduce | Contribute to global net zero

The journey to net zero starts here

Carbon Accounting

Carbon Accounting

Calculate value chain emissions and take steps towards net zero.

Employee engagement

Employee engagement

Inspire and engage your employees to take climate action.

Product Carbon Footprint

Product Carbon Footprint

Calculate the climate footprint and benefits for products and services.

Fund climate action

Fund climate action

Contribute globally by supporting verified climate projects.

Client testimonials

We have calculated the emissions for the Danfo group and received assistance in identifying actions that can contribute to both significant emission reductions and lower costs. Having conducted a comprehensive climate analysis is crucial for shaping relevant and credible sustainability efforts.


- Mikael Sandin, COO

  • Carbon Accounting
  • Product Carbon Footprint

ClimateHero has helped us to clearly showcase the climate benefits of our solution – managed fiber infrastructure – compared to common practice for fiber installation. We have also had help setting ambitious reduction targets to ensure we continue to decarbonize our value chain.


- Andreas Boo, CEO

  • Product Carbon Footprint
  • Carbon Accounting
  • Fund Climate Action

We have used ClimateHero to calculate the carbon footprint for the company as well as for our employees. As a service-based company, it is relevant to address the carbon footprint from all aspects of our human capital. Therefore, Techtor is financing climate action and offsetting the carbon footprint of our employees.


- Henric Anghem, CEO

  • Climate Positive Workplace

With ClimateHero's support, we have mapped our entire value chain emissions and identified key actions to achieve our ambitious climate goals. This analysis provides a solid foundation for our journey toward a sustainable and net-zero future.


- Staffan Till, Sustainability Manager

  • Carbon Accounting

Case Study: From Words to Action together with Once Upon 🌍

What does it take to create a ripple effect in sustainability? Once Upon, a leader in photo books, is proving that bold steps and committed partnerships can drive significant change. By collaborating with ClimateHero, they have not only measured their emissions but also transformed their approach to sustainability ... Read more

From Vision to Leadership: A Climate-Strong Partnership with Brave 🌍

At ClimateHero, we’re proud to support businesses in their transformative journeys toward sustainability. One of our most inspiring collaborations is with Brave, formerly known as Storbildsfabriken AB. Through our partnership, Brave reduced their climate footprint by an impressive 29% between 2022 and 2023. This achievement is just the beginning of their bold shift from a traditional linear business model to a groundbreaking circular one... Read more

Your Corporate Carbon Footprint

Carbon accounting is an integral (and soon legally binding) part of sustainability efforts

The new EU directive for sustainability reporting, CSRD ( Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), makes it mandatory for large companies to disclose their climate impact. However, even for smaller companies, a carbon report is an important asset to demonstrate transparency, responsibility and credibility. It becomes especially pressing if you have large companies as customers, since they in turn, are dependent on supplier carbon accounting information pertaining to the emissions of the products and services they have procured.

Corporate carbon accounting in accordance with the GHG Protocol

ClimateHero helps you with your carbon accounting in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas ( GHG) Protocol, , which is the global standard for calculating the carbon footprint of companies and organizations. The standard defines emissions in three scopes:

  • Scope 1: The company's direct emissions, including exhaust gasses from vehicles and machinery, combustion, and potential gas leaks from processes.
  • Scope 2: Emissions from the company’s purchased electricity, heat, cooling or steam.
  • Scope 3: Emissions that occur upstream and downstream in the value chain as a result of company operations.

Creating your first climate report can feel overwhelming, especially due to the complexity of emissions that occur upstream and downstream in the value chain (Scope 3). With support from ClimateHero, you can expect a complete climate report according to the GHG Protocol in just 4–8 weeks.

Prices start at €4,500, excluding VAT, as a one-time investment. The climate report and calculation model become your assets (no licensing fees)

Are you a small office-based service company?

In just 5 minutes, you can obtain an initial estimate of your carbon footprint by using our free online calculator designed for small service businesses. The questions are tailored to office-based services and are divided into three categories: energy, travel and consumption. The test will highlight several simple steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint.

ClimateHero also offers free tools that can assist you in calculating emissions arising from a specific business activity, such as a business trip or an event.

Calculate footprint from:

Engage your employees in emission reductions

Let your employees calculate, reduce and contribute to emission reductions as individuals too.

Climate calculator for individuals – create a unique link for my company

Our popular climate calculator for individuals is free for everyone to use. We offer you the opportunity to view your results on a group level for free when using a trackable version of the calculator.

Customized carbon calculator for employees or customers

See an example of a partner calculator

See an example of a partner calculator

Do you want to take it a step further and make the calculator more tailored to your company?

  • Include your own logo on the front of the calculator
  • Add extra questions to the calculator (for segmentation or communication purposes)
  • Send a customized thank-you or follow-up email to the respondents

Prices start at €1,200, excluding VAT

Inspirational talks

  1. When your employees have calculated their carbon footprint, we can present the results as part of an inspirational talk (30–60 minutes), about what it takes to accelerate the climate transition and how the concept of a carbon footprint differs between individuals, companies and nations.
    Prices start at €800, excluding VAT
  2. We also offer inspirational talks on:
    - Circular business models
    - Responsible consumption
    - Future visioning – A day in my life in 2035
    Prices start at €1,500, excluding VAT

Climate Positive Workplace

Let your workplace be a driving force for both local and global change! We support your employees in the race to zero by calculating and reducing their own carbon footprint. At the same time, you invest in a portfolio of Gold Standard certified climate projects that contribute to emission reductions equivalent to 200% of your combined carbon footprint.

  • Annual calculation of employees' carbon footprints
  • Inspirational talks
  • Carbon offsetting as an employee benefit

Prices start at €12/person and month, excluding VAT

Product Carbon Footprints

Do you need assistance in communicating the carbon footprint of a specific product or service?

We calculate the carbon footprint of your products and services by analyzing all significant life cycle emissions, from 'cradle to grave'.

For products, emissions are typically associated with raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, storage, sales, usage, and waste management. For services, the carbon footprint typically includes emissions from travel, subcontractors, as well as the electricity and heat consumption required for selling, administering and using the service.

The calculations are confined to the climate impact of the product and are based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol -Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.

Prices start at €6,000, excluding VAT for the first product.
Discounts are available for calculating multiple products and for combined calculations of the company's carbon footprint.

Fund Climate Action – Climate offsets that contribute to global climate goals

According to the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, we can achieve the climate transition and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius if we follow "carbon law" and halve our carbon emissions every decade, compared to 2020 levels. Additionally, we need to reach net zero emissions by 2050. This critical state occurs when we have gone through three halvings and reduced approximately 90% of total emissions. The remaining 10% must be offset with measures that capture and permanently store CO2, or for a period of at least 100 years.

The technologies required to capture and long-term store carbon are still under development or in the early stages of scaling up, except for biochar CO2 capture, which companies can use to offset their emissions today.

The call to follow the carbon law and strive for net zero can be applied to businesses, organizations, cities, regions, countries and individuals. However, to achieve global net zero, it's not enough to just consider one's own carbon footprint. To reach global net zero and keep the 1.5°C goal alive, the climate transition needs to accelerate significantly. Therefore, a third commitment for responsible companies is to finance global climate initiatives by supporting verified climate projects along the journey to net zero.

Climate Compensation: A Complement, Not a Solution

Offsetting carbon emissions should never replace efforts to reduce emissions at their source. At ClimateHero, we emphasize that reducing emissions is the priority. Climate compensation is a valuable complement that helps accelerate the transition to a carbon-neutral world while funding impactful climate projects, that wouldn't happen without financial contribution.

Transparency & Trust: Ensuring Real Impact

The carbon offset market faces challenges like greenwashing and misleading claims. At ClimateHero, we counter this by:

  • Supporting Gold Standard-certified projects for verifiable climate benefits.
  • Ensuring additionality (projects that wouldn’t happen without funding).
  • Maintaining transparency with annual third-party audits and reports.

💡 Want to see where your money goes? Read our latest audit reports here.

Gold Standard certified projects scaling up renewable energy

Through ClimateHero, you can support a portfolio of Gold Standard certified projects that accelerate the transition to renewable energy and prevent additional CO2 from entering the atmosphere (Verified Emission Reductions). This can be achieved, for example, by introducing solar and wind power in regions dependent on coal power for electricity production. Gold Standard means that these climate projects adhere to the strictest scrutiny criteria regarding proven climate benefits and social improvements.

ClimateHero focuses on projects where the climate impact is greatest and the transition is most urgent. By supporting international projects, we ensure that contributions go to regions where they can make the biggest difference in reducing emissions and promoting sustainability.

Do you already know your company's carbon footprint?

If you have already calculated your emissions and know how many tons of CO2 reductions you want to finance, you can use the button below to offset your emissions. The price is €15 per ton, excluding VAT, and payment can be made via invoice or card.

Gift cards for employees and stakeholders

One way to encourage individuals to reflect on their carbon footprint is to give them a gift card from ClimateHero.

These gift cards offset the recipient's carbon footprint for a certain number of months and encourage the recipient to calculate and reflect on their own carbon footprint. It's a gift that signals a strong commitment to contribute to climate mitigation.

Our partners